West Indian Reports Consolidated Index (Volumes 1 - 104)

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This publication is the cumulative index for the series of law reports, the West Indian Reports. It includes listings of all the cases reported to date, legislation and cases judicially considered therein and a full subject index.

The West Indian Reports include decisions from the following jurisdictions: The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, The Cayman Islands, Eastern Caribbean States, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and Turks & Caicos Islands.

LNUK Editor: Wendy Herring, MA (Oxon) of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister (non-practising)


The Hon Madam Justice Anita Allen President of the Court of Appeal of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas Editor
The Hon Mr Justice Carl Singh Acting Chancellor and Head of the Judiciary of Guyana Editor
The Right Hon Mr Justice Dennis Byron President of the Caribbean Court of Justice Editor
His Hon Mr Justice Ian Kawaley The Chief Justice of Bermuda Editor
The Hon Mr Justice Ivor Archie Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago Editor
The Hon Dame Janice Pereira Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean States Editor
The Hon Mr Justice Karl Harrison Retired Judge of the Court of Appeal of Jamaica (retired Jan 2012) Editor
The Hon Mr Justice Kenneth Benjamin Chief Justice of Belize Editor
His Hon Mr Justice Marston Gibson Chief Justice and President of the Court of Appeal of Barbados Editor