UK Legislation Status Snapshots

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UK Legislation Status Snapshots is an amalgamation of our trusted Halsbury's Is It In Force and Halsbury's Statutes Citator sources, to which the information from our previously print-only Halsbury's Destination Tables has been added. It can be accessed from the Find out more links within UK Parliament Acts, or searched directly from the Sources drop-down list on the Legislation Search Form.

A legislation status signal appears on overview and provision level documents and indicates its current status:

InForce - In force

NotYetInForce - Not yet in force or partly in force

NotInForce - No longer in force

Commencement information is included for Acts of general application in England, Wales and Scotland and General Synod Measures passed since 1960. The short title and chapter number of every Public General Act is given, and unless the Act is of limited application only the following details are provided: the date on which the Act received royal assent; a list of provisions which deal with the commencement of the Act or any part thereof (including any commencement orders which have been made); any date or dates which have been appointed for the provisions of the Act to come into force; and an indication where any provision is not in force.

Amendment information gives the current status of over 7,600 statutes providing a comprehensive list of amendments to all statutes which have been considered in Halsbury's Statutes and are noted to sub-provision level, with any general notes relating to the Act as a whole appearing above the table.

Destination and derivation information provides a crucial link between old and new law where a statute is repealed and consolidated in a new statute. The Destination tables allow the user to trace forwards from old law to new, while the Derivation tables allow the user to trace backwards from new law to old. It should be noted that these tables are based on the official HMSO tables for consolidations and rewrites, so only those statutes which appear in an official table will show derivation and/or destination information on this source.

Destination information is provided for every relevant Act from 1960 on the overview page and for every relevant Act from 1998 on both overview and provision pages. Derivation information is provided for every relevant Act from 1998 on both overview and provision pages.

This source gives you a quick at-a-glance snapshot of all covered UK Acts. Jump links allows you to navigate through the document and link directly back to legislation as well as to the legislation amending the section concerned. Handy traffic lights also indicate the at-a-glance status of the Act and its provisions.

UK Legislation Status Snapshots does not contain commencement information for Finance Acts and provisions which apply only locally are not dealt with and are indicated as such.