UK Competition Appeal Reports Cases (Archive)
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UK Competition Appeal Reports, provides a comprehensive reporting service for cases and decisions heard in the Competition Appeals Tribunal. made under the Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002, as well as those under Arts 101 and 102 TFEU in the UK.
The Judgments of the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT), the United Kingdom's specialist judicial body with cross-disciplinary expertise in law, economics, business and accountancy whose function it is to hear and decide cases involving competition or economic regulatory issues, are reproduced here under Crown Copyright and with the kind permission of the Competition Commission. All cases are headnoted.
Mark Furse BA, LLM, MSc, PhD
Professor of Competition Law and Policy, University of Glasgow
Tim Frazer LLB, LLM
Partner, Arnold & Porter, Visiting Professor of Law University of Newcastle
Consulting Editors
Simon Baker BA (Econ), MA (Econ)
Partner, RBB Economics
Jonathan Faull BA, LLM
Director General, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission; Emeritus Professor, Institute of European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Elizabeth McKnight BA, LLM
Partner, Herbert Smith
George Peretz BA (Oxon)
Barrister, Monckton Chambers
Aidan Robertson QC MA, LLM (Cantab)
Barrister, Brick Court Chambers
Christopher Vajda QC MA (Cantab)
Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union
David Vaughan CBE QC
Brick Court Chambers
Cento Veljanovski BEc, MEc, DPhil
Managing Partner, Case Associates, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies University of London