Tolley's Capital Allowances
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Tolley's Capital Allowances 2023-24 brings together in a single, comprehensive and practical volume the law and practice regarding capital allowances. This time-saving publication has been designed so that practitioners and taxpayers can establish what types of allowances are available and how they can be claimed in order to achieve greater tax savings. The work shows the practitioner how to make the most tax-effective use of capital investments. Copious worked examples are included throughout and are updated annually.
2023-24 Edition
Tolley's Capital Allowances 2023-24 has all the information relevant to capital allowances up to 31 July 2023, including the provisions of Finance Act 2023 and Finance (No 2) Act 2023. This edition includes:
2023-24 Edition
Tolley's Capital Allowances 2023-24 has all the information relevant to capital allowances up to 31 July 2023, including the provisions of Finance Act 2023 and Finance (No 2) Act 2023. This edition includes:
- Full expensing first-year allowances on plant and machinery
for companies - Annul limit of £1 million for annual investment allowances
made permanent - Introduction of enhanced allowances for designated tax sites in
investment zones - Latest cases including SSE Generation Ltd, Inmarsat Global Ltd, Cheshire
Cavity Storage 1 Ltd and Urenco Chemplants Ltd - Other relevant material from the Finance Act 2023 and Finance (No 2)
Act 2023, statutory instruments and HMRC guidance
Kevin Walton | Author |