The New Law Journal


An essential weekly reference containing a mix of expert analysis, commentary and key news on the latest legal developments in case law, legislation, practice and procedure. It offers independent, in-depth articles on what is happening in every area of the law, together with essential advice on how to avoid pitfalls.

The following sections of the printed journal are reproduced online - Movers & Shakers articles from the Legal World section of the Journal, Legal Update, Procedure & Practice, Inside DR, Profession/Expert Witness and Back Page.

The following sections are not reproduced online - Legal World (except for the Movers & Shakers articles) and Inside Court.

Print ISSN: 0306-6479

SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 174, Issue 8081, 26 July 2024 174 NLJ 8081, p4 (1) UPDATE INFORMATION Articles System must learn from Malkinson Covid-19 Inquiry chair highlights flaws Means test should be updated in line with inflation Hillsborough Law welcomed AI bias claim Government gets to work on 40 Bills How will Labour change the law? Dear Sir Keir… Overhauling employment Relocation matters Divided but ruled Civil Way Law Digest All for one… Death in paradise Reviews Book review


Jan Miller  Editor