Shawcross & Beaumont: Air Law

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First published in 1945, Shawcross and Beaumont: Air Law is the leading air law authority and an invaluable reference tool to stay at the forefront of this complex legal area. Written by nine specialist editors, it provides comprehensive and up-to-date material every six months on all aspects of international and national aviation law. There is full commentary on the Montreal Convention governing air carriage, the law relating to airports and related security issues, aviation and the environment, the rules as to airworthiness, aircraft maintenance, and the operations of aircraft, balloons and drones, the future of flight and the regulation of the UK space industry, aviation insurance and competition law, and passenger rights in respect of package travel, cancellations and delays. The volumes also contain the full text of the relevant international conventions, with regularly updated lists of parties, UK regulations, and IATA conditions of carriage.

Source Currency Issue 190 December 2024 This issue brings fully up to date the materials in the Appendices (volumes 2 to 4 of the printed edition): the status tables of international conventions; UK statutes and statutory instruments; and retained EU Regulations as they have effect in the UK. The commentary will be updated in the next Issue, due to be published in March 2025.


George Leloudas  General editor
Daniel Wand  Editor
Augustus Hocking  Editor
Professor David McClean  Editor
 Andreas Ruehmkorf Editor
 Ingrid Koning Editor
 Michael Gill Editor
 Philip Chrystal Editor