Butterworths Scottish Family Law Service
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Issue 92 contains updates to the following chapters:
A6: Termination and annulment of marriage and civil partnership
C5: International aspects of the law relating to parental responsibilities and rights
H1: Introduction
H2: Earnings-replacement benefits
H3: Income-Related Benefits
H5: People in special circumstances
H7: Information resources, advice and representation
Issue 92, March 2024
Issue 92 contains updates to the following chapters:
A6: Termination and annulment of marriage and civil partnership
C5: International aspects of the law relating to parental responsibilities and rights
H1: Introduction
H2: Earnings-replacement benefits
H3: Income-Related Benefits
H5: People in special circumstances
H7: Information resources, advice and representation
Melanie Barbour, Advocate | Editor |
Sabrina Dubash LLB, Barrister | Editor |
Janys M Scott KC, MA (Cantab), Advocate | Editor |
John Speir, LLB, Advocate, Sheriff of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway at Hamilton | General editor |
Sandra M Eden, LLB, ATII Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Edinburgh | Editor |
Frank Burr, Advocate | Editor |
Sarah Trainer, Advocate | Editor |
Shona Smith, Partner, Family Law Team Balfour+Manson LLP | Editor |
Megan Davidson, Advocate | Editor |
Mark Allison, Advocate | Editor |
Kirsty Hood, LLB (Hons), Dip LP Advocate, Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh | Editor |
Dr Alex Critchley, Advocate | Editor |
Amy Donachie, Advocate | Editor |
Iain Halliday, Advocate | Editor |
Robert Gilmour, Director SKO Family Law Specialists | Editor |
Brian Kearney, MA, LLB Solicitor, Formerly Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow | Editor |