Butterworths Scottish Family Law Service

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Issue 92, March 2024


Issue 92 contains updates to the following chapters:

A6: Termination and annulment of marriage and civil partnership
C5: International aspects of the law relating to parental responsibilities and rights
H1: Introduction
H2: Earnings-replacement benefits
H3: Income-Related Benefits
H5: People in special circumstances
H7: Information resources, advice and representation


Melanie Barbour, Advocate  Editor
Sabrina Dubash LLB, Barrister  Editor
Janys M Scott KC, MA (Cantab), Advocate  Editor
John Speir, LLB, Advocate, Sheriff of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway at Hamilton  General editor
Sandra M Eden, LLB, ATII Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Edinburgh  Editor
Frank Burr, Advocate  Editor
Sarah Trainer, Advocate  Editor
Shona Smith, Partner, Family Law Team Balfour+Manson LLP  Editor
Megan Davidson, Advocate  Editor
Mark Allison, Advocate  Editor
Kirsty Hood, LLB (Hons), Dip LP Advocate, Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh  Editor
Dr Alex Critchley, Advocate  Editor
Amy Donachie, Advocate  Editor
Iain Halliday, Advocate  Editor
Robert Gilmour, Director SKO Family Law Specialists  Editor
Brian Kearney, MA, LLB Solicitor, Formerly Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow  Editor