Rayden & Jackson on Relationship Breakdown, Finances and Children

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In this Issue Issue 32 June 2024 Changes have been made to the following chapters: Division B Marriage, Civil Partnerships and Divorce Chapter 4 Civil partnerships Chapter 7 Practice and procedure for divorce and other dissolution Division C Financial Remedies Chapter 11 Applications and orders for financial remedies Chapter 13 Practice and procedure in applications for financial remedies Chapter 16 Taxation considerations Chapter 17 Financial provision for children Division D Preservation, enforcement and injunctions Chapter 23 Domestic enforcement of financial orders Division F General principles of Child Law Chapter 30 General principles of child law Chapter 32 General powers, practice and evidence Division G Private law Chapter 36 Inherent jurisdiction and wardship Division H Public law Chapter 40 Adoption Division J International issues Chapter 45 International cases Chapter 46 Cross border issues within the United Kingdom Chapter 47 Cross border recognition and enforcement of orders


HH Judge Philip Waller CBE  Consulting editor
Stephen Trowell MA (Oxon) Barrister  General editor
The Rt. Hon Lord Justice Matthew Thorpe , One of Her Majesty's Lord Justices of Appeal  Consulting editor
David Williams , QC  General editor