Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

The Oxford Journal of Legal Studies is published on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford. It is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to law, with an emphasis on matters of theory and on broad issues arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines. No topic of legal interest is excluded from consideration.

In addition to traditional questions of legal interest, the following are all within the purview of the journal: comparative and international law, the law of the European Community, legal history and philosophy and interdisciplinary material in areas of relevance.

Online ISSN: 2047-0789
Print ISSN: 2047-0770

Volume 44, Issue 1, 1 March 2024

Citation: OJLS 2024 44 (1)


How (Not) to Break Up: Constituent Power and Alternative Pathways to Scottish Independence
The Origin of Asymmetric Information: Revisiting the Rationale for Regulation
Comparative Law and Christianity—A Plank in the Eye?
Ownership Beneath: Transparency of Land Ownership in Times of Economic Crime
Beyond the Tram Lines: Disability Discrimination, Reproductive Rights and Anachronistic Abortion Law
How Reasons Make Law
Are Rape Myths 'Myths'?
The Making of Corporate Legal Concession Theory†


 C McCrudden Editorial committee member
 D Prentice Editorial committee member
 Ewan McKendrick General editor
 G de Burca Editorial committee member
 J Dickson Editorial committee member
 J Gardner Editorial committee member
 J Hackney Editorial committee member
 J W Davies Editorial committee member
 S Fredman Editorial committee member
 S Gardner Editorial committee member