Morcom on Trade Marks

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Morcom on Trade Marks (formerly known as Modern Law of Trade Marks) is a comprehensive guide on trade mark law, enabling practitioners to provide clients with effective advice with the best possible support and authority. It includes detailed analysis of important UK and European legislation and in-depth commentary on key cases.

All aspects of registered trade marks are covered, together with information on applications, registration, protections and infringement. Divided into eight parts, key topics covered are: General introduction; Registered Marks; Passing Off and miscellaneous; Special Topics; Civil Proceedings; Customs and Criminal Offences; International Treaties; and The European Union Trade Mark.


This new sixth edition has been fully revised and updated to take into account all the latest developments since the last edition published in 2016.

Key updates include:

  • Coverage of the most important new decisions of the Courts and other decision-making bodies, and legislation (eg Unjustified Threats legislation of 2017);

  • The implementation by the UK of the 'recast' EU Harmonisation Directive of 2015;

  • Detailed treatment of the consequences of the exit of the UK from the EU (including a brand new chapter) and coverage of measures ensuring that proprietors of EU Trade Marks and International Registrations designating the UK, also geographical indications will retain protection of their rights in the UK as well as in the other 27 EU Member States;

  • A comprehensive update of The European Union Trade Mark section (Part VIII) to incorporate relevant changes to the EUTM law and regime, and new decisions that will continue to be of relevance to businesses world-wide;

  • Inclusion of references to important decisions of the EU institutions, in particular the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Court, which continue to be an important part of jurisprudence relevant to UK trade mark law;

  • Updated 'Consolidated' versions of the Trade Marks Act 1994 and the Trade Marks Rules 2008, and the full text of the 2015 Directive included as Annexes.

    6th Edition, May 2021


    Christopher Morcom  Author
     Ashley Roughton Author
     Thomas St Quintin Author