Medical Law Review


The Medical Law Review is established as an authoritative source of reference for academics, lawyers, legal and medical practitioners, law students and anyone interested in health care and the law. Primarily the Medical Law Review presents articles of international interest which provide thorough analyses and comment on the wide range of topical issues that are fundamental to this area of law. In addition it carries two commentary sections. The first concentrates on UK law and includes case reports and legislation summaries followed by analytical
interpretation of the impact of new developments in medical law. The second section concentrates on recent medico-legal developments in the US, the Commonwealth and Europe. The Review also carries book reviews of relevant publications.

Footnotes, where present, are bi-directional. This journal, along with other available UK law journals, can be searched in the All UK Law Journals file.

Online ISSN: 1464-3790
Print ISSN: 0967-0742

SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 32, Issue 2, 1 May 2024 Med Law Rev (2024) 32 (2): 141 UPDATE INFORMATION Articles Accommodations of private and family life and non-traditional families: the limits of deference in cases of cross-border surrogacy before the European Court of Human Rights How should we decide how to treat the child: harm versus best interests in cases of disagreement Heritable human genome editing: correction, selection and treatment Biobank donation in search of public benefits and the potential impact of intellectual property rights over access to health-technologies developed: A focus on the bioethical implications 'Border Country': health law in a devolved UK Case Comment—JJ v Spectrum Community Health: When Medical Paternalism Meets Prisoners' Dignity Indi Gregory: A Wider Perspective on Children's Best Interests at the End-of-life McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26: Hello Bolam, the court's old friend Books Received Reviews Book Review: Reimagining the Court of Protection: Access to Justice in Mental Capacity Law Book Reviews: Law and Healing: A History of a Stormy Marriage Book Review: The Abortion Act 1967: A Biography of a UK Law Book Reviews: Assisted Suicide and the European Convention on Human Rights


 Alison Jones Consultant editor
 Daniel Cottam Contributor
 James Wilson Editor
 John A. Harrington Contributor
 Jos Miola Contributor
 Katherine O'Donovan Contributor
 Oliver Quick Contributor
 Penny Lewis Contributor
 Peter Bartlett Contributor
 Rachel Anne Fenton Contributor
 Robyn Martin Contributor
 Ruth Brown Editor
 Sarah Green Contributor