McMullen: Business Transfers and Employee Rights

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McMullen on Business Transfers and Employee Rights deals with all types of employment problems on change of employer, thus, not just transfer of undertakings under TUPE, but also with employee rights on share sale takeovers and on changes of employer not involving a transfer of an undertaking where continuity may be preserved by the Employment Rights Act 1996. We have also been able to track other international developments, in a wide range of jurisdictions, thanks to the continuing kindness of contributors to Chapter 16.

In this Issue Issue 56 February 2025 The updated chapters and appendices in this issue include: Chapter 6 – TUPE: Who transfers? Identifying the human stock of the undertaking at the transfer point This chapter has been updated to discuss London United Busways Ltd v de Marchi, EAT (6[164.1]) (right to object; substantial change in working conditions; relationship of TUPE reg 4(7) and (9)).Chapter 16 – International (Non-UK) The Czech Republic (16[91]), France (16[156]), Ireland (16[235.1]), Malta (16[282]), Mexico (16[289]), Poland (16[336]), Spain (16[386]) and Sweden (16[296]) sections have been updated.


Jeffrey Jupp KC of Inner Temple, Barrister  General editor