Manual of Construction Agreements

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SOURCE CURRENCY: Issue 43, May 2024

Update Information The following chapters in Part A have been updated: 1 (Construction Contracts: Classification and Principles), 1A (Payment under Construction Contracts), 3 (ICC, NEC, ACA and CIOB Construction Contracts), 7 (Insurance), 10 (Letters of Intent), 11A (Building Safety Act 2022), 13 (Disputes Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration) and 14 (Dispute Resolution: Adjudication, Expert Determination and ADR).

The Manual of Construction Agreements is a comprehensive guide to the law and practice governing construction contracts, with a focus on the major standard form agreements. Originally written by Richard Cockram, one of the country's leading construction lawyers, it includes a comprehensive bank of expertly drafted amendments to the standard form agreements and a suite of precedents, together with guidance and drafting notes.


Jane Stubbs  Author
Hamish Lal  Author