International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family


The subject matter of the International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family comprises the following: analyses of the law relating to the family which carry an interest beyond the jurisdiction dealt with, or which are of a comparative nature; theoretical analyses of family law; sociological literature concerning the family which is of special interest to law and legal policy; social policy literature of special interest to law and the family; literature in related disciplines (such as medicine, psychology, demography) which is of special relevance to law and the family; research findings in the above areas; reviews of books and relevant reports.

Online ISSN: 1464-3707
Print ISSN: 1360-9939

SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 37, Issue 1, 1 APRIL 2023 Int J Law Policy Family (2022) 37 (1): 1, Articles Still a private matter? Evaluating the Irish State's response to domestic abuse Healthcare Decision Making for Children in Singapore: The Missing Chapter in Comparison with English Law Cohabitant protection on relationship breakdown in Ireland: A lesson in illusory justice? Redressing the balance: how Australia's approach under the Hague Abduction Convention is still endangering victims of domestic violence The expert witness—psychologists and judicial gatekeepers in the family court Joint physical custody in Germany: legal framework and results of the Family Models in Germany (FAMOD) study Individual realities and legal responsibilities: a study of non-resident parents who dispute child maintenance obligations in Swedish administrative courts, 2014–2019 Facial kinship verification and searching for genetic origins in gamete/embryo donor conception—an overview of potential legal and ethical issues Same-sex families' rights and the European Union: incompatible or promising relationship? The divorce cooling-off period in China: implementation, effects, and improvements Rights claims of citizen children of foreign national parents in South Africa, the UK, and the European Court of Human Rights: hierarchies of 'illegality' and deservingness Factors associated with formal help-seeking for domestic violence in urban China Surplus embryos in IVF units in Israel: patients' attitude towards various dispositions—a bioethical analysis of empirical findings Introducing a randomized controlled trial into Family Proceedings: Describing the 'how?' and defending the 'why?' What is 'good' domestic violence lawyering?: views from specialist legal services in Australia Families of choice with no choice: remarks concerning the situation of families of choice in Polish law Distribution of property at the termination of de facto unions (marriages by cohabitation/repute) in some African countries How people's concepts of marriage, childbearing, childrearing, and child education affect their fertility willingness and behaviour under the three-child policy in China? Tacit Concepts of Family in Legislation on Assisted Reproduction The relationship between compliance and compulsion, and dynamics of diversion, in child welfare decision-making UK intended parents' characteristics, experiences, and views on surrogacy law reform, Reviews Book Reviews : Gutgläubig gelebte Statusverhältnisse—Vertrauensschutz im deutschen Namens-, Ehe-und Abstammungsrecht Book Reviews : Research Handbook on Adoption Law Book Reviews : Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life – Towards a Common European Understanding: EUFams II and Beyond Book Reviews: Childhood in a Global Perspective—Third Edition Book Reviews : The Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships: Emerging Families in Ireland and Beyond Book Reviews : Family Life, Family Law, and Family Justice: Tying the Knot Book Reviews : Celebrating Marriage: A New Weddings Law Book Review: Divorce and Democracy: A History of Personal Law in Post-Independence India Book Reviews : Advanced Introduction to Children's Rights Book Reviews : Normativity and Diversity in Family Law: Lessons from Comparative Law Book Reviews : Reaffirming Autonomy of Trans and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents Book Reviews: Das Familienrecht in seiner großen Vielfalt – Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Dose Zum Ausscheiden aus dem Richterdienst Book Reviews :Fifty Years of the Divorce Reform Act 1969.


 Dr Jonathan Herring , Exeter College, Oxford Book reviews editor
 K Kiernan , UK Editorial board member
 M Freeman , UK Editorial board member
 M Maclean , UK Editorial board member
 M Richards , UK Editorial board member
 Mr John Eekelaar , Pembroke College, Oxford, UK Editor
 Professor Robert Dingwall , University of Nottingham, UK Editor
 S Cretney , UK Editorial board member