International Journal of Law & Information Technology


Featuring up-to-date coverage of computer law as well as the application of computer technology to legal practice, this journal is designed to be of use to both lawyers and computer specialists.

Footnotes, where present, are bi-directional. This journal, along with other available UK law journals, can be searched in the All UK Law Journals file.

Online ISSN: 1464-3693
Print ISSN: 0967-0769

SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 32, Issue 1, 1 March 2024 Citation: Int J Law Info Tech (2024) 32 (1): 1 UPDATE INFORMATION Articles The (im)possibility of personal and industrial (machine-generated) data to be subject to property rights Protection of non-original objects generated by artificial intelligence: the Ukrainian copyright law approach Confronting the metadata dilemma in India: a turn to context and proportionality


 Akira Saito Author
 Andres Guadamuz Author
 Dr. Stephen Saxby Author
 Gillian Black Author
 James Wilson Editor
 Robert C. Piasentin Author
 Ruth Brown Editor
 Yingru Chan Author