International Journal of Constitutional Law
It examines an array of theoretical and practical issues and offers critical analysis of current issues and debates. In addition, ICON looks at global trends that carry constitutional implications. It features scholarly articles by international legal scholars, judges, and people from related fields, such as economics, philosophy, and political science.
Online ISSN: 1474-2659
Print ISSN: 1474-2640
SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 22, Issue 2, 1 April 2024 Int J Constitutional Law (2024) 22 (2): 245 UPDATE INFORMATION Editorial; In this issue; Guest Editorial: Unsexing scholarship? Towards better citation and citizenship practices in global public law Articles; Law's ideology: Neoliberalism and developmentalism in Egyptian jurisprudence Elements of a doctrine of transnational constitutional norms Dialogic incrementalism in deeply divided societies The curious genealogy of the “executive state”: A critical review of the latest administrative reform in Greece Tensions in Finland's ex ante constitutional review: The interplay of politics, law, and media Democracy and defections Reviewing the constitution-making process in Kenya: The failure of the 2005 constituent process No higher law: The Uruguayan plebiscite of 1980 as a failed constituent moment Three decades of international cooperation against corruption-looking ahead Monitoring and compliance mechanisms as a diagnostic and prognostic tool of international anti-corruption cooperation: A data-driven study The normative development of laws on asset preservation and confiscation: An examination of emerging best practices Human rights and corruption: Problems and potential of individualizing a systemic problem Effectuating international law against corruption: Behavioral insights Corruption and foreign investments: Empirical lessons from treaties and arbitration cases Reviews; Book Reviews: The Post-Soviet as Post-Colonial: A New Paradigm for Understanding Constitutional Dynamics in the Former Soviet Empire. Book Reviews: Global Gender Constitutionalism and Women's Citizenship: A Struggle for Transformative Inclusion. Book Reviews: Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society. Book Reviews: Litigating the Climate Emergency: How Human Rights, Courts, and Legal Mobilization Can Bolster Climate Action. Book Reviews: Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law. Book Reviews: Useful Bullshit: Constitutions in Chinese Politics and Society. Book Reviews: Recht und Rassismus: Das menschenrechtliche Verbot der Diskriminierung aufgrund der Rasse [Law and Racism: The Human Rights Prohibition of Racial Discrimination].
Online ISSN: 1474-2659
Print ISSN: 1474-2640
SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 22, Issue 2, 1 April 2024 Int J Constitutional Law (2024) 22 (2): 245 UPDATE INFORMATION Editorial; In this issue; Guest Editorial: Unsexing scholarship? Towards better citation and citizenship practices in global public law Articles; Law's ideology: Neoliberalism and developmentalism in Egyptian jurisprudence Elements of a doctrine of transnational constitutional norms Dialogic incrementalism in deeply divided societies The curious genealogy of the “executive state”: A critical review of the latest administrative reform in Greece Tensions in Finland's ex ante constitutional review: The interplay of politics, law, and media Democracy and defections Reviewing the constitution-making process in Kenya: The failure of the 2005 constituent process No higher law: The Uruguayan plebiscite of 1980 as a failed constituent moment Three decades of international cooperation against corruption-looking ahead Monitoring and compliance mechanisms as a diagnostic and prognostic tool of international anti-corruption cooperation: A data-driven study The normative development of laws on asset preservation and confiscation: An examination of emerging best practices Human rights and corruption: Problems and potential of individualizing a systemic problem Effectuating international law against corruption: Behavioral insights Corruption and foreign investments: Empirical lessons from treaties and arbitration cases Reviews; Book Reviews: The Post-Soviet as Post-Colonial: A New Paradigm for Understanding Constitutional Dynamics in the Former Soviet Empire. Book Reviews: Global Gender Constitutionalism and Women's Citizenship: A Struggle for Transformative Inclusion. Book Reviews: Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society. Book Reviews: Litigating the Climate Emergency: How Human Rights, Courts, and Legal Mobilization Can Bolster Climate Action. Book Reviews: Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law. Book Reviews: Useful Bullshit: Constitutions in Chinese Politics and Society. Book Reviews: Recht und Rassismus: Das menschenrechtliche Verbot der Diskriminierung aufgrund der Rasse [Law and Racism: The Human Rights Prohibition of Racial Discrimination].