Industrial Law Journal


Industrial Law Journal provides comment and in-depth analysis on a wide range of topics relating to employment law. It is useful reading for practising lawyers, academics and lay industrial relations experts to keep abreast of newly enacted legislation and proposals for law reform. The Industrial Law Journal also carries commentary on relevant government publications and reviews of books relating to labour law.

Online ISSN: 1464-3669
Print ISSN: 0305-9332

SOURCE CURRENCY Volume 53, Issue 4, 1 December 2024 Citation: Ind Law J (2024) 53 (4): 577 UPDATE INFORMATION Articles From Prevention to Empowerment: A New Model for UK Labour Law Less or More Labour Law for Social Change? Quality, Formality and the Evolution of International Labour Law: The New ILO Quality Apprenticeships Standard The Problems and Paradoxes with the EU's Regulation of Traineeships: A Way Forward Academic Freedom and Protected Philosophical Belief: Strengthening the Legal Analysis The Status of European Works Councils in UK Law Post-Brexit: A Commentary on EasyJet PLC v EasyJet European Works Council and Olsten (UK) Holdings Limited v Adecco Group European Works Council Extending Statutory Protection to Action Short of Dismissal for Participating in Industrial Action: The Supreme Court on the Right to Strike in Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Mercer 'The Simple Things You See Are All Complicated': Thoughts on Deliveroo1 TUPE's public-private divide: Bicknell (1) The British Medical Association (2) v NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Commissioning Board The Grainger Test Challenged? Thomas v Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Environment and Sustainability in the Italian Constitutional Reform: A New Perspective on Labour Law? Scores as Decisions? Article 22 GDPR and the Judgment of the CJEU in SCHUFA Holding (Scoring) in the Labour Context Reviews Book Reviews: The Legal Concept of Work Book Reviews: Your Boss Is an Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence, Platform Work and Labour.


 A K Asmal Editorial committee member
 B A Hepple Editorial committee member
 B Hooberman Editorial committee member
 Barry Fitzpatrick Editorial committee member
 Christopher Docksey Editorial committee member
 Claire Kilpatrick Editorial committee member
 D B Lewis Editorial committee member
 David Cockburn Editorial committee member
 Gillian Morris Editorial committee member
 Gwyneth Pitt Editorial committee member
 H G Collins Editorial committee member
 J A Scouller Editorial committee member
 Jennifer Eady Editorial committee member
 Jeremy McMullen Editorial committee member
 Keith Ewing Editorial committee member
 Linda Dickens Editorial committee member
 Lord Wedderburn of Charlton Editorial committee member
 M R Freeland Editorial committee member
 Melanie Tether Editorial committee member
 Michael Rubenstein Editorial committee member
 Patrick Elias Editorial committee member
 Paul O'Higgins Editorial committee member
 Professor Paul L Davies , London School of Economics & Political Science Editor
 R W Rideout Editorial committee member
 Richard Lewis Editorial committee member
 Rosemary Jeffreys Editorial committee member
 S D Anderman Editorial committee member
 Simon Deakin Editorial committee member
 Stephen Levinson Editorial committee member
 William Brown Editorial committee member