Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

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Forms & Precedents

EF&P is the UK’s most comprehensive source of forms and precedents for (non-litigating) solicitors. It contains almost everything that both the specialist and the non-specialist lawyer (in non-contentious fields) is likely to need:

  • Around 20,000 forms and precedents (including those for sale of land, landlord and tenant, commercial law, wills and trusts, family law).

  • Practical drafting notes to forms and precedents.

  • Detailed commentary on relevant law and practice.

  • Checklists, procedural tables and guidance on land registration, stamp duty, and taxation.

Contributors are leading authorities in their fields: solicitors, barristers, academics and members of the judiciary.

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  • Contributing authors: over 100 practising lawyers with practice area-specific expertise;

  • In-house legally qualified editorial team.

  • The team constantly monitor and respond to feedback from customers on the Customer Services helpline: contentsupport@lexisnexis.co.uk.

    EF&P is updated on a rolling basis throughout the year in response to changes in practice and the law. As a minimum, this means 1 release per month. A release may include:

    • A complete rewrite of material in a single title, including commentary and precedents;

    • amended forms and precedents only;

    • information notes highlighting forthcoming changes.

    The team review the material across the titles, and new developments in the law and practice are reflected in title rewrites and selective updating.

    EF&P is contributed by specialist authors; therefore all new legislation cannot be incorporated immediately.

    Date stamps:
    Titles and precedents state when (and, where practical, how) they have been amended. Italic text under precedent headings, and bold text at the end of title overviews, show the date and nature of amendments. The dates on which titles were last reissued and amended are also in the list of titles and authors below.

    Terms used in date stamps mean the following:

    EFP 23(2): 01/2021 or Volume 23(2) Landlord and Tenant (Residential Tenancies): 01/2021.This title has been reissued to take into account the law as at that date.

    Fully revised 01/2021.This precedent or title has been revised to take into account all changes to the law made up to and including that date.

    Last amended 01/2021.This precedent or title was last selectively amended on that date to take into account specific changes to the law. May also indicate an updating note to the title.

    Amended 01/2021This precedent was selectively amended on that date to take into account specific changes to the law. May also indicate an updating note to the title.

    A message from the Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents following the death of The Queen
    Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, LexisNexis®UK are reflecting on her legacy, which includes countless laws, institutions, appointments and documents made in her name.
    Among the constitutional and legal changes associated with the accession of King Charles III, there are also a number of technical and practical consequences for the Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents. We will continue to monitor developments and update content as appropriate. All new content will reference, for example, His Majesty and the King’s Bench Division. Note that Section 10 of the Interpretation Act 1978 provides that references to the Sovereign within Acts of Parliament are to be construed as references to the reigning Sovereign for the time being, unless otherwise specified.