Common Law World Review


1 MARCH 2023Common Law World Review is a forum for in-depth analysis of major legal developments throughout the common law world with extended coverage of issues from all regions. A distinguished team of Corresponding editors has been brought together to ensure that there is proper consideration of significant legal developments from all parts of the common law world. Each quarter, a corresponding editor will either contribute or commission an article on a significant recent development in that part of the common law with which they are most familiar. As well as the United Kingdom and the US, there are contributions from Canada, South East-Asia, New Zealand, Australia, India and Africa. It is intended that smaller common law jurisdictions should be included in the coverage of the journal.

Online ISSN: 1740 5556
Print ISSN: 1473 7795

Volume 52, Issue 4, 1 DECEMBER 2023

Citation: CLWR 52 4 (103)


The duty to remove asylum seekers under the Illegal Migration Act 2023: Is the government's plan to 'Stop the Boats' now doomed to failure?
Witchcraft imputations and the tort of defamation in Ghana
Sub-constitutionally repairing the United States Supreme Court


 Dr Charlotte Villiers Editorial committee member
 Dr Nicola Peart , Otago University, New Zealand Overseas corresponding editor
 Dr Oliver Quick Editorial committee member
 Dr Rachel Murray Editorial committee member
 Dr Stephen Watterson , University of Bristol Book reviews editor
 Professor Caroline Bradley , University of Miami Overseas corresponding editor
 Professor David Clarke , University of Bristol Editor
 Professor Gerald McMeel Editorial committee member
 Professor Keith Stanton , University of Bristol Editor
 Professor Peter Cane , Australian National University Overseas corresponding editor