Claims to the Possession of Land

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Issue 51, April 2024
Main Title: Updates
The following parts of this title have been updated for Issue 51 (April '24):
Division A: Possession from Trespassers and Licensees
Chapter A4 (Procedure for the removal of trespassers and licensees) has been updated.
Division B: Tenancies
Chapter B1 (The determination of tenancies) has been updated.
Division C: Residential Tenancies
Chapter C4 (The secure tenancy regime) has been updated.
Division D: Business tenancies
Chapter D1 (Business tenancies) has been updated.
Appendix 1 (Pre-action Protocols) has been updated.
The Index has been updated.

Claims to the Possession of Land sets out and explains the law and procedure of each type of possession claim. With nearly 300 comprehensive forms and precedents, which are readily adaptable for a whole range of cases, it provides a complete and thorough exposition of this complex subject.

It offers up-to-date information on a regular basis to property and litigation lawyers, property managers, landlords, tenants and other occupiers. This source has been extensively revised and updated to take account of all new case law as well as changes in legislation. It includes full coverage of the Civil Procedure Rules as well as the cases decided under the new rules.

Claims to the Possession of Land is the primary and portable reference work for every type of possession action - both for those seeking possession and those resisting it.

See also Claims to the Possession of Land Property Precedents


Adrian Davis  Author
 Emma Godfrey Author