Butterworths Financial Regulation Service

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SOURCE CURRENCY Issue 135, June 2024
UPDATE INFORMATION The following sections have been updated:
Volume 1a General Division A: The Regulatory Structure in Operation Volume 1b General (including High Level Standards) Division F: Glossary Division H, Section 5: Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and Controls Division H, Section 7: Fees Manual Division I, Section 2: Statements of Principle and Code of Practice for Approved Persons Commentary Volume 2 Regulatory Processes and Redress Division C: Supervision Requirements Division F.1: Decision Procedure and Penalties Manual Division I: Dispute Resolution: Complaints Division J: Complaints Commentary Division O: Perimeter Guidance Volume 3 Investment Firms and Collective Investment Schemes* Division A: Interim Prudential Sourcebook for Investment Businesses Division B.1: Conduct of Business Sourcebook Division D: Conduct of Business Commentary Division D.3: Collective Investment Schemes Requirements Division N: Commentary on the Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook and the Responsibilities of Providers and Distributors for the Fair Treatment of Customers Regulatory Guide Volume 4 Credit Institutions* Division A: Prudential Sourcebook for MiFID Investment Firms Division E: Credit Unions Sourcebook Volume 5 Markets* Division B: Market Conduct Commentary Division C: Listing Rules Division F: Prospectus Regulation Rules Commentary Division G: Recognised Investment Exchanges Volume 7 Insurance Mediation and Mortgages* Division A: Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business Sourcebook * Available as a separate subscription.


Jacob Ghanty  Editor
 Adam Samuel Editor
 Albert Sampson Editor
Prof Andrew Haynes Editor
 Caroline Mylward Editor
 Cleon Catsambis Editor
 Farhaz Khan Editor
 Gareth Reed Editor
Prof George Walker Editor
 James Potts Editor
 John Casanova Editor
 Jonathan Denton Editor
 Jonathan Herbst Editor
Dr Karim Aldohni Editor
 Margaret Chamberlain Editor
 Mark Cardale Editor
 Oliver Assersohn Editor
 Peter Snowdon Editor
 Pollyanna Deane General editor
 Richard Everett Editor
 Roger Grenville Jones Editor
 Selina Haniff Editor
 Tim Aron Editor
 Tony Woodcock Editor
 William Long Editor