Amended Legislation

Current Awareness

Lists details of any other Act affected by the creation of the new Act of Parliament.

Amended Legislation is a designated current awareness source. Personalised onscreen and e-mail alerts can be set up using this source and other current awareness sources from the alerts wizard in the Alerts tab area. The last year's worth of content from this source can also be searched in combination with other designated current awareness sources from the current awareness search form. The entire source archive can be searched from either the Home page or the Legislation search form. This source dates from 2005.

Qualified editors categorise these documents which list details of any other Act affected by the creation of the new Act of Parliament.


Content is available for search using the following parameters:

  • Heading: eg 'Pensions Act 2011'

  • Topic: eg 'Criminal'

  • Date eg 'previous year'

  • Freetext eg 'crime w/3 victim'

Personalised email alerts can help you track amendments to legislation relevant to your interests.