Mellows: Taxation for Executors and Trustees

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This well-respected publication provides excellent advice and guidance on how administrators of estates and trustees might best carry out their duties. Mellows follows chronologically the phases in which an executor or administrator may be required to deal with income tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax, i.e. settling the deceased's personal tax liability, administering the estate and related trusts, undertaking post death tax planning and distributing funds. Well-known for its logical approach to a complex subject, this service provides explanation and practical consequences for executors and trustees, with worked examples of all the main computations likely to be encountered in practice. It also gives an overview of the ideas upon which the applicable law is based, to enable executors and trustees to make informed decisions in areas not specifically dealt with by the legislation.

Issue 76, March 2024


Chapter Updates
Chapter 2 The deceased’s personal tax liability: income tax
Chapter 2A: The deceased's personal tax liability: pre-owned assets tax
Chapter 3 The deceased's personal tax liability: capital gains tax
Chapter 5 Inheritance tax on death
Chapter 6 Income tax during the administration of the estate
Chapter 7 Capital gains tax during the administration of the estate
Chapter 11 Settlements and settlors
Chapter 14 Administration of a trust: income tax

This edition gives the position for the tax year 2023-24 and covers all legislation, HMRC’s published guidance and other relevant sources of information.


James MacDougald, BA (Hons), Barrister  Author
Robert Arnfield , BA, Barrister  Author
Susannah L Meadway , MA, Barrister  Author
R A Wallington , MA, Barrister  Author