Halsbury's Is it in Force?

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Is it in Force? is a quick and easy-to-use reference tool which provides the information you need to establish the exact commencement dates of Acts of general application in England, Wales and Scotland and General Synod Measures passed since 1960. The short title and chapter number of every Public General Act is given, and unless the Act is of limited application only the following details are provided: the date on which the Act received royal assent; a list of provisions which deal with the commencement of the Act or any part thereof (including any commencement orders which have been made); any date or dates which have been appointed for the provisions of the Act to come into force; and an indication where any provision is not in force.

Is it in Force? does not contain details of amendments and repeals. For those, users should instead refer to Halsbury's Statutes Citator or the UK Parliament Acts Source (for amendments to Acts which apply to England and Wales), or the Scottish Parliament Acts Source (for amendments to Acts of the Scottish Parliament).

Updated daily

We aim to include the effect of commencement orders within 1 working day of their publication by The Stationery Office.

Compiled by the editorial staff of Halsbury's Statutes and Statutory Instruments.