Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports

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Butterworths MedicoLegal Reports offers expert and accurate reporting of cases on a wide range of areas such as medical negligence, consent to treatment, National Health Service administrative and employment law, pharmaceutical products, quantum damages, mental health and the conduct of medical bodies.

Each report consists of:
* Keywords identifying the principal legal points covered
* Concise headnotes summarising the relevant facts of the case and the court's decision
* A procedural history of the case
* The full text of the judgment
* Comprehensive reporting of important new cases on medicolegal issues
* Easy to follow layout with easy access to the pertinent legal issues



Dr Louise Austin, Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester

Vivienne Harpwood LLB (Birmingham), Barrister, Professor of Law, Cardiff Law School

David Burnet BA (Oxon) LLM (Wales), Former Lecturer in Law, Cardiff Law School

Dr N Hammond-Browning LLB, LLM, PhD (Wales, Cardiff), Senior Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University

Crown copyright material reproduced by permission of The National Archives. The contents of the judgment can be used under the Open Justice – Licence https://caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/open-justice-licence. Crown copyright material only partially represents the activities of the courts and tribunals.

Material derived from the European Institutions is © European Union, 1998-2024 and re-used under the terms of the Commission Decision 2011/833/EU. To the extent that the above licences do not apply, Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of His Majesty’s Stationery Office and the King’s Printer for Scotland, while Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of His Majesty’s Stationery Office.

While we take all care to ensure this work is accurate, the authors, editors and publishers will not be liable for any losses that any person or entity may suffer as a result of relying on its contents.