Stephen Parnham#3460

Stephen Parnham

Stephen has over 30 years experience helping individuals, owner managed businesses and trustees improve their tax positions. As well as advising his own clients, he provides professional technical support to firms of Chartered Accountants and Solicitors from Hampshire in the south to the West Midlands and Shropshire in the north.

He brings clarity and direction to complex tax issues. He is a Chartered Tax Adviser ( CTA ), a Trust and Estate Practitioner ( TEP ) and a member of the Association of Taxation Technicians ( ATT ). He is a member of the Society of Expert Witnesses and regularly contributes to the professional press.
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Historical IHT planning schemes
Historical IHT planning schemes
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains some of the more common inheritance tax (IHT) planning schemes which were popular until the 2000s and which have largely been rendered ineffective for IHT purposes by anti-avoidance legislation. It covers the historical use of arrangements known as Ingram schemes, Eversden schemes, reversionary lease schemes and home loan or double trust schemes. It also considers the current tax position for some schemes which have not yet been unwound.

Income tax—pre-owned assets
Income tax—pre-owned assets
Practice notes

This Practice Note describes the pre-owned asset tax (POAT or pre-owned asset charge), which is the annual income tax charge on the continued benefit an individual enjoys from an asset that has been given away. POAT was introduced as an anti-avoidance measure in the Finance Act 2004, largely in response to inheritance tax avoidance schemes. The Practice Note also covers the exclusions and exemptions from charge.

Shadow director issues and benefits in kind
Shadow director issues and benefits in kind
Practice notes

This Practice Note, written by Stephen Parnham of Stephen Parnham Taxation Limited, looks at the concept of shadow directors in the context of offshore tax planning and the extent to which such directors may be subject to benefit in kind charges arising under the benefits code in the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 (ITEPA 2003). It focuses on the meaning of shadow director, the charge on living accommodation, the charge on subsidised loans (also known as beneficial loan arrangements) and the residual charge.

Temporary non-residence—post 5 April 2013 departures
Temporary non-residence—post 5 April 2013 departures
Practice notes

This Practice Note written by Stephen Parnham of Stephen Parnham Taxation Limited covers the income tax and capital gains tax (CGT) implications for high net worth individuals (HNWIs), including remittance basis users, of becoming temporarily non-resident after 5 April 2013. Some planning points are also covered.

UK resident non-domiciliaries—tax planning
UK resident non-domiciliaries—tax planning
Practice notes

This Practice Note is an introduction to the inheritance tax (IHT), income tax and capital gains tax (CGT) regimes affecting UK resident non-domiciliaries and the basic planning opportunities available to them, including pre-entry planning, excluded property trusts, home ownership, the remittance basis and applicable anti-avoidance legislation. Planning prior to 6 April 2008 and the impact of changes to the taxation of offshore trusts in 2017 and 2018 is also briefly examined.

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