Tessa Park#3450

Tessa Park

Technical Partner, Moore Kingston Smith

Tessa is technical partner of Kingston Smith LLP where she is responsible for preparing and presenting technical guidance and training on all aspects of financial reporting including FRS 102 and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Prior to joining Kingston Smith from a technical role within the mid tier, she worked with growing and entrepreneurial businesses, including listed companies, in a number of roles including as an audit manager in a Big Four firm.

Contributed to


Accounting issues on mergers and acquisitions—business combinations under IFRS and new UK GAAP (FRS 102)
Accounting issues on mergers and acquisitions—business combinations under IFRS and new UK GAAP (FRS 102)
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Kingston Smith. This Practice Note covers how ‘business combinations’ are accounted for under both the IFRS and FRS 102 (part of the new UK GAAP). It also looks at some accounting issues that can arise as a result of the way share purchase and asset purchase transactions (and also public company takeovers) are structured and how these can impact on how the acquisition agreement is negotiated.

Accounting treatment of share buybacks and treasury shares
Accounting treatment of share buybacks and treasury shares
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note looks at the accounting treatment of a share buyback by a limited company (whether public or private), including where the shares bought back are held in treasury.

Accounts and reports—an outline of the statutory framework
Accounts and reports—an outline of the statutory framework
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note outlines the provisions of the Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) relating to the annual accounts of a company.

Accounts and reports—individual and group accounts
Accounts and reports—individual and group accounts
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note focuses on the need for a company to produce individual accounts and for a parent company to prepare group accounts.

Changes in share capital—accounting treatment
Changes in share capital—accounting treatment
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note looks at the accounting treatment of various events that may affect a company’s share capital. It also considers a company’s distributable reserves and the payment of dividends from an accounting perspective.

Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules requirements—the annual financial report
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules requirements—the annual financial report
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note discusses the requirements of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules in relation to a company’s annual financial report and the related statutory regime. It also considers the requirements in relation to a company active in the extractive industries to file reports annually in relation to payments to governments.

EU Accounting Directive—summary of main provisions
EU Accounting Directive—summary of main provisions
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note provides an overview of the main provisions of the EU Accounting Directive (2013/34/EU) and the Companies, Partnerships and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2015 which originally transposed the requirements of the Accounting Directive into UK law.

Introduction to company accounts for lawyers
Introduction to company accounts for lawyers
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note gives an overview of what needs to be included in a set of company financial statements for companies applying FRS 102 ( UK GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The note also describes the various reserves that may be shown on the balance sheet, and an overview of what they can be used for.

Joint venture accounting issues—associates and joint ventures
Joint venture accounting issues—associates and joint ventures
Practice notes

This Practice Note, produced in partnership with Kingston Smith LLP, covers the accounting treatment of joint arrangements, including accounting for joint ventures, associates (exercising significant influence but not joint control), joint operations and joint assets.

The quoted companies regime
The quoted companies regime
Practice notes

Produced in partnership with Tessa Park of Moore Kingston Smith. This Practice Note summarises the additional rules governing the preparation of annual accounts and reports by quoted companies under Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 and regulations made under it.

Practice Area


  • Contributing Author

Qualified Year

  • 1995


  • ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)


  • BA (hons) in Ancient and Modern History from Oxford University

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